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The .nl registry SIDN is planning big things

Thu 11. Jul 2024, 12:29

SIDN, administrator of the Dutch country code extension .nl, is further expanding its partnership with the .ca registry CIRA from Canada. Together they are developing a registry platform that they want to develop into a future-proof, cloud-native system. By joining forces in the development and management of a new registry system, SIDN and CIRA could benefit from accelerated development, shared resources, lower costs and risk diversification. The new registry platform will not only serve SIDN and CIRA, but will also be suitable for registries of other Top Level Domains around the world, including applicants for a new generic Top Level Domain as a potential target group. "For 2024, the main focus is on technical implementation," says Chris Faber from SIDN. "That includes things such as getting the existing Fury system ready for generic cloud technology (so cloud native and cloud agnostic) and preparing for migration of the .nl data." The aim is to have the new system ready for testing and integration in 2025. The migration can then take place and the system can be made available for the two top-level domains .ca and .nl at the beginning of 2026. It should then also be available to other registries worldwide - in time for the next launch round, which is scheduled to start in Q2 2026.

Source: https://www.sidn.nl/en/news-and-blogs/s ... hip-strong

Thu 11. Jul 2024, 12:29

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